The diet of wild tortoises is always determined by the vegetation in their natural habitat. In their original environment the actual vegetation period is usually limited to a short time followed by dryness and heat from midsummer to fall. The crude fibre content of the plants is reatively low and the protein content quite high during springtime. During summer herbs and grasses will "age". The crude fibre content therefore increases in midsummer while the protein content strongly decreases.
To meed the requirements of the organism the diet of pet tortoises should also be adjusted to the respective season.
The nutritional requirements of baby tortoises resemble those of fully grown tortoises. They primarily need herbs and grasses from meagre meadows with a high plant diversity. Even though this seems harsh a restrained diet scanty to human standards is recommendable. This is the only way to ensure an appropriate slow growth and to avoid consequential health problems.
Agrobs PRE ALPIN Testudo Baby is a particularly fine food adjusted to the needs of young tortoises. The components are leaves and seeds rich in vital substances from meagre Upper Bavarian meadows with a high degree of deversity. Due to the fine composition and the extra short fibre length even juvenile animals of a weight of up to 200 g can be supplied with a sufficient amount of crude fibre and vital substances.
PRE ALPIN Testudo Baby for all juvenile tortoises (with a weight of up to 200 g)