A foal needs a balanced diet in order to develop healthily and to avoid growth spurts. They need a smooth, even growth pattern so they do not grow too fast. It is necessary to provide the right levels of vitamins and minerals and good quality protein in order for him to grow and develop properly. In the first 18 months, a foal achieves approximately 90% of both his height and weight and develops the muscles, tendons, organs and bones that he will require for a lifetime of work. Inappropriate feeding can lead to problems, mostly orthopaedic ones. The foal also needs energy but not an excessive amount. The following ingredients may be found in their feed:
- Good quality protein – The foal needs this to grow and develop correctly.
- Calcium and Phosphorus - These minerals aid in proper bone growth.
- Zinc - This is required so that nutrients can be absorbed into the foal’s bones.
- Copper and Iron - Needed for healthy cartilage formation.
- Vitamin E - Vitamin E is necessary for healthy muscle development.
- Lysine - This helps ensure that protein is utilised appropriately and is thus important for growth.
- Amino Acids – They support the development of the muscles.
- Prebiotics/Probiotcs – These aid digestive health.
If in doubt about what to feed your foal, discuss with your vet.