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Feed Focus - Oats

While some people avoid feeding their horse’s oats, others couldn’t image a feed bowl without them. Oats, by many, are seen as the equine equivalent to rocket fuel, but this tag is not always accurate. Indeed, oats do provide the horse with energy, and some horses can become excitable but, when the horse’s workload is balanced with the feed they receive, many people feed oats in mixes or as a straight without any issues. It should be noted that, if oats are being fed as a stand alone straight feed (without any vitamins and minerals included in the bag), the horse will require a balancer, as oats are not a complete feed.

Here are some examples of how to feed oats…and there’s also a link to an oat balancer for those who feed this cereal alone:

GWF Nutrition Tiger Oats

Micronized Food Products- Bruised Oats

Dodson & Horrell Microfeed

Baileys No. 10 Racehorse Mix 

Allen & Page Competition Extra Mix

Baileys Best British Oats

TopSpec Turbo Flakes  

To help balance… 

Baileys Oat Balancer Mix 

This is just a snapshot of the products available through Efeed that contain oats (or that can be used to help balance oat based diets)- type ‘oat’ into search for more…


Posted: 28/12/2012 10:37:44
