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We hate to mention it but, with spring on its way, it’s the time of year when people start to use, talk about and worry about the L word more and more. If you suspect your horse or pony has laminitis, it’s important that you call the vet as soon as possible.

Many feed manufacturers produce feedstuffs that can be fed to horses prone to or at risk of laminitis, and some of these are approved by the Laminitis Trust. However, whilst the list below highlights a number of products, it is best to seek expert advice if your horse or pony is suffering from this condition.

TopSpec Anti-Lam- Designed to provide nutritional support for those prone to, being treated for, or recovering from laminitis.

Spillers- Lite Balancer-Suitable for Good-Doers, Overweight Horses and Ponies and those prone to laminitis.

Dengie- Hi-Fi Molasses Free- A Laminitis Trust approved feed, Hi-Fi Molasses Free is suitable for horses and ponies that require a low sugar and starch ration such as those prone to laminitis that maintain weight with ease.

Dodson & Horrell Safe & Sound- Developed to provide optimal nutrition for horses and ponies at risk from laminitis.

British Horse Feeds- Speedibeet- A Laminitis Trust approved feed- low sugar/high fibre.

Spillers- Happy Hoof- A unique, low calorie fibre blend for horses and ponies prone to laminitis. Happy Hoof is the first complete chopped fibre feed approved by The Laminitis Trust.

Posted: 14/03/2013 17:39:48
